Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Things Are Looking Up!

I just came back from an action packed weekend in Sofia. I had an intense rugby practice and team photos on Saturday. It felt great to be playing rugby again. Our first game will be next weekend against a Bulgarian club called Mercury. Saturday night my rugby team had a ‘Pub Crawl’. It was a wild and crazy night with our team of very diverse players from all parts of the world. After our 4th bar our club president and New Zealand Maori Murray, led us all in the HAKA. This is a traditional Maori war dance in which we take our shirts off and perform to scare and confuse Bulgarians. Well I am feeling a bit beat up from rugby, which is actually a very comforting and familiar sensation. I am very excited to begin the season next week and to slowly get back into rugby shape.
The winter has been a bit rough at times, a lot of ups and downs. I have stayed sane by traveling on weekends and blowing off steam with other volunteers. Its been a dark, cold and lonely winter and thank god its pretty much over. At least I am hoping its pretty much over; it did snow last week however. The last two weekends have been amazing and my spirits are definitely way up. I truly feel lucky to have the opportunity to live and work in this great country. Its got a laundry list of problems, but I guess I wouldn’t be here if it didn’t.
My charity soccer tournament is coming up in a couple weeks. I am a bit nervous about it, and am really hoping everything goes smoothly. I had a meeting with the director of the local hospital last week. It was very sad to see how run down and outdated everything was. Bulgaria is just so run down and poor, they can’t afford to progress with the use of new technology. I am trying to get new supplies and machines for the hospital, but the process is long and it will definitely take a lot of work. But one thing I do have is time, so I will make the hospital project my goal for the year.
I enjoyed a short but sweet break from reality last month. I spent a few days with the lake family in London. It was great to see David, Julie, Michael and Gramps. We definitely wish you would have been with us Grandma, thanks a lot for flying me out there.
Well I just missed an important wedding this past weekend. My apologies to Chuck and Tianna for not being there. I imagine I missed one hell of a wedding reception. A big congrats to you love birds for tying the knot.
Well so much has happened since I wrote my last blog. I find it difficult to put into words and give an accurate update on what I have going on here. Its been a bumpy road, but I guess I can say that things are looking up. Not to say that its always difficult here, there is truly no place I would rather be than here. I am living a very different lifestyle, and constantly learning and seeing new things. I have a feeling that I am growing as a person with each and every experience whether it be good or bad. Things are going smoothly at work and I am getting a lot of support from the municipality on my project ideas. There are so many problems in this country its hard to find a place to begin. Its pretty easy to feel helpless with these problems and feel pessimistic about change. After all what can one man really do? I guess that is a question that is answered after each PCV finishes his or her service. Did I initiate change? Did I leave behind a sustainable positive impact? Or did I glide by and co-exist harmoniously with the locals. Ok, I will stop now; I am starting to get a bit repetitious with my writings.
I find myself being rejuvenated by the sunshine. Whenever we get a sunny day here in Bulgaria I feel joyful and happy. I have noticed that the weather tends to magnify good and bad times. Due to the weather, I find myself spending an unhealthy amount of time alone in my room. After work, its dark, cold, and often rainy. So my social and physical outlets are very minimal on week days. However the spring is just around the corner and the sun will be shining, so things will definitely turn around for me. I plan on running and playing soccer at the stadium most days after work. Being physically active levels me out and truly helps cut away the stress of everyday life.


At 4:45 PM, Blogger jef said...

May you have:

Enough happiness to keep you sweet,
Enough trials to keep you strong,
Enough sorrow to keep you human,
Enough hope to keep you happy,
Enough failure to keep you humble,
Enough success to keep you eager,
Enough friends to give you comfort,
Enough wealth to meet your needs,
Enough enthusiasm to look forward,
Enough faith to banish depression,
Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday!

Forget about the past, You can't change it.
Forget about the future, You can't predict it.
Forget about the present, I didn't buy you one.

Happy 24th Birthday Trev.


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